League of Legends
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegends
- Developer:
- Riot Games
- Genre:
- Fantasy, RPG
- Type:
- Download
- Release Date:
- 10/27/09
- Publisher:
- Riot Games
Home > MMO > League of Legends > Walkthrough
Ranged Carries
League of Legends Game Guide by MMO Fan
Ranged Carries
When it comes to Ranged AD, it's all standard. Some champions can benefit from specific items, such as Trinity Force, but 2-3x Doran's Blade, Berserker Greaves, Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer are your ideal core. Those items will give you the greatest bang for your buck, followed by Last Whisper, the Bloodthirster and finishing off with a second Phantom Dancer and Quicksilver Sash depending on how late the game gets.
For runes, I only advocate using Attack Damage marks. Having Flat armor Seals is great in lane, and sometimes you can afford to slot in Attack Damage glyphs instead of flat magic resist, but that will only put you up to 18 attack damage, so generally not worth it. Magic Resist per level glyphs if your enemies are using an AP carry, otherwise flat Magic Resist if your enemy support has a lot of magical damage (i.e. Sona and Soraka), otherwise preference. For quintessences I prefer flat Attack Damage.
Your starting item should always be Doran's Blade, farm passively until you get your Berserker Greaves, and if you're sent back early get Boots of Speed and a second Doran's Blade. Stacking Doran's Blades if you're losing your lane is important because surprise, 100HP, 10 Damage and 3% more lifesteal, it all adds up. Most Ranged AD champions can farm at tower with two Doran's Blades with just hitting melee once after two tower shots and ranged after one tower shot. Some can't hit that 129~ AD mark without a third so gear accordingly.
Your job as a Ranged AD is to sit in lane and farm while your support does all the hard work of zone control. Keep your lane frozen as best you can until you want to go back to base, ideally you want to stay in lane as long as you can. You don't want to be sent back early, and you don't want to go back until you can get Berserker Greaves and at least one more Doran's Blade. If you have enough gold to go straight for Best Friend Sword you can do it, but I still prefer level 2 boots on most champions.
* Ashe
Dmg: *
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: *
Pot: *
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: With a passion, I hate Ashe. There is no lack of terrible Ashe players in League of Legends, and why? Because she's the first champion a lot of newer players played. She's the weakest end of the spectrum of all AD carries and has very low potential. She's based off the president of Riot's real life girlfriend which is essentially the only reason she's in the game.
Skill Advice: Her Volley is her only reliable source of damage. It can scare opponents up until level 13, when they'll typically no longer care about Volley poke. Her ultimate is her only saving grace, and that's because it's a powerful initiation tool. Most guides will tell you, like with Ezreal, to get acquainted with the speed, go back to base and fire it straight down a lane, but that's bull. Use it point blank like a man you chump.
Countered by: Every other AD carry without a good sustaining support. She can work with Alistar and Sona, but she effectively needs Soraka (stated pre mana battery nerf). Furthermore she's completely countered by her own skill set. To farm with Volley to preserve auto-crits, she has to push her lane in. to harass with Volley, she has to push her lane in. She's extremely vulnerable to ganks from Mid or Junglers because she's focused so primarily around pushing her lane through Volley.
* Caitlyn
Dmg: **
CC : ***
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Caitlyn was the flavor of the month for a while, while she performs amazingly well in early and mid game, she doesn't shine as much as other Ranged ADs in late game. She's best paired with Soraka so she can farm excessively well with Piltover Peacemaker and push a constant threat on the enemy tower. This only works if your support keeps river and tribush warded, it also helps against in lane ganks.
Skill Advice: Place your cupcakes in bushes in sensitive choke points to protect yourself or alert your jungler of potential ganks. It's customary to leave three traps closer to your turret in middle lane before you place your traps in defensive chokepoints and escape paths. You'll farm with her piltover peacemaker and use her net to escape, not ensure kills. It's a gap closer if you shoot it behind you, but you're worse off if you shoot it forward to slow an opponent, it's an escape mechanism. Using her ultimate isn't hard, but it's best used when enemies aren't coordinated or both low on health.
* Corki
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: ***
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Corki is awesome, especially in lower tier gameplay in the jungle he's just a force to be reckoned with because of his excessively high mobility. He does benefit from Soraka support for sheer lane pushing, but most of his mana issues go away as soon as he gets a sheen for a Tri-Force, but getting that item is based on personal opinion. I prefer to stick to a standard Ranged AD setup.
Skill Advice: Use your Gatling gun for situations where you feel you can get a kill, move towards an opponent and Valkyrie over their escape path and let the bullets come down. Most of his difficulty comes from proper use of his ultimate missiles. His Phospherous bomb is amazing for controlling your lane as well as farming, which makes Soraka a viable partner in lane.
* Ezreal
Dmg: **
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: I want to like Ezreal, it's just hard. Remember at his core he's a Ranged AD carry not an AD caster like Twitch is. Hitting with Mystic shot isn't hard and he provides a lot of group utility in late game. He has a built in flash which is always great and of course Trueshot barrage now provides vision of it's path for checking for enemies in the jungle if there's no obvious use for it in lane.
Skill Advice: Mystic shot is his bread and butter spell because it reduces the cooldown of all other spells if it hits. Always try to harass with this and hit the enemy a few times with auto attacks. He's incredibly simple to play and not much of a skillshot champion when you get used to his shot ranges.
* Graves
Dmg: ***
CC : ***
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Strongest, easiest to play Ranged AD carry pretty much. He has a vast amount of physical damage output, and just about his only difficulty is properly aiming his Ultimate. I play him when I'm in bad moods, he's much like my gangplank, where I don't like playing him around others because on every queue I mimic his speech.
Skill Advice: Buckshot > Quickdraw > Smoke Screen, the skilling order is fairly straight forward. Proper use of the skills is what will determine if you're the ultra graves or not. Usually you passively farm and poke with Buckshot through minion waves to zone out your opponents in a duo lane. Playing him as a Solo top, as is my preference, he functions a lot differently. He has a lot of innate defense through his passive, keep it at 10 stacks at all times and you'll be golden in the bruiser lane.
Playing him effectively in a one on one aspect is to poke your enemy at range then get close. But you don't attack him, you just move around a lot to lul them into a false sense of security. Then what you do is simple, quick draw to the back of their character, buckshot them in the back, land a smoke screen right where you stand and ultimate them as they pass your character. Works every time.
Countered by: AP carries typically, if he can't burst them down faster then he's at a disadvantage. After you start building his items he starts to pull ahead of enemies in all situations but can still be completely shut down by just one CC and a mage's burst, which is why cleanse is recommended on all Ranged AD carries. Squish factor supreme.
* Kog'Maw
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: He's so cute. Has the best dance in the game and some amazing poke potential. He's more of a utility ranged AD carry with his slow zone, increased poke distance and armor shredding. Did I mention his ultimate has massive range and reveals a portion of the map briefly?
Skill Advice: Play somewhat passively, staying within enemy range and always poking back just as hard. If they kill you, kill them back with your passive, but don't do this recklessly but stay in range to scare them. If they open up on you, plant your slow field and pop everything right on them and you'll typically win with his built in attack speed boost and additional magic damage on hit with bio-arcane barrage. Just don't forget to dance.
* Miss Fortune
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: **
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: She's a lot like Baby Graves, even though she came first. I find her superior in situations where the enemy is using a sustaining character because she applies grievous wounds. Her only difficulty is getting used to how Double Up functions, after that it's just applying it properly.
Skill Advice: Double Up should be her first max, then her Impure Shots and lastly Make it Rain. Double Up isn't easy to use as a major poke game but you can take advantage of weirdly angled shots to punish enemies hiding behind minions. Proper use of Impure Shots revolves around applying Grievous Wounds with Double Up. Place Make it Rain in escape paths for the slow effect. Finally proper use of her ultimate puts her in harm's way for the most part if you run into their safety zone (see: escape path) and fire it off it's guaranteed to get a lot of hits. Other proper places to use it include pressed against a wall so they can only escape away from the wall, since they have to side step it to get out of the way of the massive cone.
Countered by: Long poke, such as with Sivir. If you hit her and remove her Strut movement speed buff, she's at a severe disadvantage in lane until it comes back up. She'll have to farm passively, so continually invade her safety zone.
* Sivir
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: She's a great team asset and a decent counter to Graves since she can bait him into buckshotting with her spell shield. Her Q has amazing poke potential and she has movement speed every time she hits an enemy champion.
Skill Advice: I'm always torn between maxing Q and W first. There shouldn't be much thought behind it, but I like forcing auto attacks, especially when they're more reliable to hit a fleeing enemy to get into a better position to Q them. Her E is typically last to max unless you're reliably using it to keep your mana up.
Countered by: Not much, really. After her recent nerf she became a bit weaker in lane so it's back to farming and poke games for her. She still offers great potential for team fights with her Ultimate.
* Tristana
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Tristana was the first ranged AD champion I used, I subscribed to facebook the first day of playing and played her ever since. She's in large part a champion that loses most functionality without smartcasting.
Skill Advice: Her group utility is based on Grievious Wounds and a Knockback, it's hard to properly use it but sometimes you just have to rocket jump beyond your foes to send them flying back to your friends. Every time, rocket jump in, debuff and ignite them while you land and pop your steroid and then hop back to any of their buddies once the first dies.
* Twitch
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: *
Dif: **
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Most people view him as a troll pick, but his passive makes him do stacking true damage over time which is always welcome in my book. He doesn't really fit the role of a laner that well and I feel he belongs in the jungle. He also has a very early reliance on Oracle's Elixir to help his ganks out, kill a ward on top and sneak back to mid, good times.
Skill Advice: Hit them a few times, slow them then blow them up. Not much else to say, pre-emptively stealth into a lane as best you can for the largest benefit from the attack speed boost. Using his ultimate takes a while to get used to but it's not difficult in the least.
* Urgot
Dmg: **
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: **
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: He's too sexy to use on a regular basis. He's much like Twitch in the fact that he's more of a caster AD carry than a right click to win AD carry. Place your AoE debuff, hit them two to three times then back off. Use his shield offensively and not defensively and pop his ultimate to any overextending enemies as ganks approach. Also use it defensively to scare th enemy laners.
Skill Advice: When you learn how to place his AoE debuff you master Urgot. After that it's just built in smart casting to home in on certain enemies, otherwise it's a straight shot towards your cursor. His ultimate has too much utility to let go to waste and is a powerful ganking mechanism. As stated in the previous paragraph, his shield is a purely offensive trait, while it's up it offers more threat, it wont save his life. Ever.
* Vayne
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: I love Vayne, especially after her recent candy cane stripper skin was added. She's extremely powerful and somewhat mobile. She has extremely low base speed but as long as she has an enemy champion in lane she does fine with her passive. Mastering Vayne is learning how to take opportunities to pin an opponent against a wall. She's pretty much the bull dyke in a relationship.
Skill Advice: Tumble forces an auto attack and closes the distance. Essentially auto attack, tumble in and hit them with your big arrow to chunk their life with each movement adding a ring to her quicksilver bolts. Just having QSB makes her a great counter pick to a bulky enemy team since it deals true damage based on their max life, which she can easily get up to 24% of their max life in less than 5 seconds without any AD items. This isn't to say she shouldn't stack AD, but if you learn how to use her Condemn and can take the opportunities prioritize AD over AS because of the ridiculous scaling. Remember, maxing Quicksilver Bolts before Condemn is bush league and is much less damage potential overall. Get good at using Condemn for the double damage and you've mastered Vayne.
When it comes to Ranged AD, it's all standard. Some champions can benefit from specific items, such as Trinity Force, but 2-3x Doran's Blade, Berserker Greaves, Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer are your ideal core. Those items will give you the greatest bang for your buck, followed by Last Whisper, the Bloodthirster and finishing off with a second Phantom Dancer and Quicksilver Sash depending on how late the game gets.
For runes, I only advocate using Attack Damage marks. Having Flat armor Seals is great in lane, and sometimes you can afford to slot in Attack Damage glyphs instead of flat magic resist, but that will only put you up to 18 attack damage, so generally not worth it. Magic Resist per level glyphs if your enemies are using an AP carry, otherwise flat Magic Resist if your enemy support has a lot of magical damage (i.e. Sona and Soraka), otherwise preference. For quintessences I prefer flat Attack Damage.
Your starting item should always be Doran's Blade, farm passively until you get your Berserker Greaves, and if you're sent back early get Boots of Speed and a second Doran's Blade. Stacking Doran's Blades if you're losing your lane is important because surprise, 100HP, 10 Damage and 3% more lifesteal, it all adds up. Most Ranged AD champions can farm at tower with two Doran's Blades with just hitting melee once after two tower shots and ranged after one tower shot. Some can't hit that 129~ AD mark without a third so gear accordingly.
Your job as a Ranged AD is to sit in lane and farm while your support does all the hard work of zone control. Keep your lane frozen as best you can until you want to go back to base, ideally you want to stay in lane as long as you can. You don't want to be sent back early, and you don't want to go back until you can get Berserker Greaves and at least one more Doran's Blade. If you have enough gold to go straight for Best Friend Sword you can do it, but I still prefer level 2 boots on most champions.
* Ashe
Dmg: *
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: *
Pot: *
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: With a passion, I hate Ashe. There is no lack of terrible Ashe players in League of Legends, and why? Because she's the first champion a lot of newer players played. She's the weakest end of the spectrum of all AD carries and has very low potential. She's based off the president of Riot's real life girlfriend which is essentially the only reason she's in the game.
Skill Advice: Her Volley is her only reliable source of damage. It can scare opponents up until level 13, when they'll typically no longer care about Volley poke. Her ultimate is her only saving grace, and that's because it's a powerful initiation tool. Most guides will tell you, like with Ezreal, to get acquainted with the speed, go back to base and fire it straight down a lane, but that's bull. Use it point blank like a man you chump.
Countered by: Every other AD carry without a good sustaining support. She can work with Alistar and Sona, but she effectively needs Soraka (stated pre mana battery nerf). Furthermore she's completely countered by her own skill set. To farm with Volley to preserve auto-crits, she has to push her lane in. to harass with Volley, she has to push her lane in. She's extremely vulnerable to ganks from Mid or Junglers because she's focused so primarily around pushing her lane through Volley.
* Caitlyn
Dmg: **
CC : ***
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Caitlyn was the flavor of the month for a while, while she performs amazingly well in early and mid game, she doesn't shine as much as other Ranged ADs in late game. She's best paired with Soraka so she can farm excessively well with Piltover Peacemaker and push a constant threat on the enemy tower. This only works if your support keeps river and tribush warded, it also helps against in lane ganks.
Skill Advice: Place your cupcakes in bushes in sensitive choke points to protect yourself or alert your jungler of potential ganks. It's customary to leave three traps closer to your turret in middle lane before you place your traps in defensive chokepoints and escape paths. You'll farm with her piltover peacemaker and use her net to escape, not ensure kills. It's a gap closer if you shoot it behind you, but you're worse off if you shoot it forward to slow an opponent, it's an escape mechanism. Using her ultimate isn't hard, but it's best used when enemies aren't coordinated or both low on health.
* Corki
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: ***
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Corki is awesome, especially in lower tier gameplay in the jungle he's just a force to be reckoned with because of his excessively high mobility. He does benefit from Soraka support for sheer lane pushing, but most of his mana issues go away as soon as he gets a sheen for a Tri-Force, but getting that item is based on personal opinion. I prefer to stick to a standard Ranged AD setup.
Skill Advice: Use your Gatling gun for situations where you feel you can get a kill, move towards an opponent and Valkyrie over their escape path and let the bullets come down. Most of his difficulty comes from proper use of his ultimate missiles. His Phospherous bomb is amazing for controlling your lane as well as farming, which makes Soraka a viable partner in lane.
* Ezreal
Dmg: **
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: I want to like Ezreal, it's just hard. Remember at his core he's a Ranged AD carry not an AD caster like Twitch is. Hitting with Mystic shot isn't hard and he provides a lot of group utility in late game. He has a built in flash which is always great and of course Trueshot barrage now provides vision of it's path for checking for enemies in the jungle if there's no obvious use for it in lane.
Skill Advice: Mystic shot is his bread and butter spell because it reduces the cooldown of all other spells if it hits. Always try to harass with this and hit the enemy a few times with auto attacks. He's incredibly simple to play and not much of a skillshot champion when you get used to his shot ranges.
* Graves
Dmg: ***
CC : ***
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Strongest, easiest to play Ranged AD carry pretty much. He has a vast amount of physical damage output, and just about his only difficulty is properly aiming his Ultimate. I play him when I'm in bad moods, he's much like my gangplank, where I don't like playing him around others because on every queue I mimic his speech.
Skill Advice: Buckshot > Quickdraw > Smoke Screen, the skilling order is fairly straight forward. Proper use of the skills is what will determine if you're the ultra graves or not. Usually you passively farm and poke with Buckshot through minion waves to zone out your opponents in a duo lane. Playing him as a Solo top, as is my preference, he functions a lot differently. He has a lot of innate defense through his passive, keep it at 10 stacks at all times and you'll be golden in the bruiser lane.
Playing him effectively in a one on one aspect is to poke your enemy at range then get close. But you don't attack him, you just move around a lot to lul them into a false sense of security. Then what you do is simple, quick draw to the back of their character, buckshot them in the back, land a smoke screen right where you stand and ultimate them as they pass your character. Works every time.
Countered by: AP carries typically, if he can't burst them down faster then he's at a disadvantage. After you start building his items he starts to pull ahead of enemies in all situations but can still be completely shut down by just one CC and a mage's burst, which is why cleanse is recommended on all Ranged AD carries. Squish factor supreme.
* Kog'Maw
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: He's so cute. Has the best dance in the game and some amazing poke potential. He's more of a utility ranged AD carry with his slow zone, increased poke distance and armor shredding. Did I mention his ultimate has massive range and reveals a portion of the map briefly?
Skill Advice: Play somewhat passively, staying within enemy range and always poking back just as hard. If they kill you, kill them back with your passive, but don't do this recklessly but stay in range to scare them. If they open up on you, plant your slow field and pop everything right on them and you'll typically win with his built in attack speed boost and additional magic damage on hit with bio-arcane barrage. Just don't forget to dance.
* Miss Fortune
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: **
Dif: ***
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: She's a lot like Baby Graves, even though she came first. I find her superior in situations where the enemy is using a sustaining character because she applies grievous wounds. Her only difficulty is getting used to how Double Up functions, after that it's just applying it properly.
Skill Advice: Double Up should be her first max, then her Impure Shots and lastly Make it Rain. Double Up isn't easy to use as a major poke game but you can take advantage of weirdly angled shots to punish enemies hiding behind minions. Proper use of Impure Shots revolves around applying Grievous Wounds with Double Up. Place Make it Rain in escape paths for the slow effect. Finally proper use of her ultimate puts her in harm's way for the most part if you run into their safety zone (see: escape path) and fire it off it's guaranteed to get a lot of hits. Other proper places to use it include pressed against a wall so they can only escape away from the wall, since they have to side step it to get out of the way of the massive cone.
Countered by: Long poke, such as with Sivir. If you hit her and remove her Strut movement speed buff, she's at a severe disadvantage in lane until it comes back up. She'll have to farm passively, so continually invade her safety zone.
* Sivir
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: She's a great team asset and a decent counter to Graves since she can bait him into buckshotting with her spell shield. Her Q has amazing poke potential and she has movement speed every time she hits an enemy champion.
Skill Advice: I'm always torn between maxing Q and W first. There shouldn't be much thought behind it, but I like forcing auto attacks, especially when they're more reliable to hit a fleeing enemy to get into a better position to Q them. Her E is typically last to max unless you're reliably using it to keep your mana up.
Countered by: Not much, really. After her recent nerf she became a bit weaker in lane so it's back to farming and poke games for her. She still offers great potential for team fights with her Ultimate.
* Tristana
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Tristana was the first ranged AD champion I used, I subscribed to facebook the first day of playing and played her ever since. She's in large part a champion that loses most functionality without smartcasting.
Skill Advice: Her group utility is based on Grievious Wounds and a Knockback, it's hard to properly use it but sometimes you just have to rocket jump beyond your foes to send them flying back to your friends. Every time, rocket jump in, debuff and ignite them while you land and pop your steroid and then hop back to any of their buddies once the first dies.
* Twitch
Dmg: ***
CC : *
Utl: *
Dif: **
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: Most people view him as a troll pick, but his passive makes him do stacking true damage over time which is always welcome in my book. He doesn't really fit the role of a laner that well and I feel he belongs in the jungle. He also has a very early reliance on Oracle's Elixir to help his ganks out, kill a ward on top and sneak back to mid, good times.
Skill Advice: Hit them a few times, slow them then blow them up. Not much else to say, pre-emptively stealth into a lane as best you can for the largest benefit from the attack speed boost. Using his ultimate takes a while to get used to but it's not difficult in the least.
* Urgot
Dmg: **
CC : **
Utl: ***
Dif: **
Pot: **
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: He's too sexy to use on a regular basis. He's much like Twitch in the fact that he's more of a caster AD carry than a right click to win AD carry. Place your AoE debuff, hit them two to three times then back off. Use his shield offensively and not defensively and pop his ultimate to any overextending enemies as ganks approach. Also use it defensively to scare th enemy laners.
Skill Advice: When you learn how to place his AoE debuff you master Urgot. After that it's just built in smart casting to home in on certain enemies, otherwise it's a straight shot towards your cursor. His ultimate has too much utility to let go to waste and is a powerful ganking mechanism. As stated in the previous paragraph, his shield is a purely offensive trait, while it's up it offers more threat, it wont save his life. Ever.
* Vayne
Dmg: ***
CC : **
Utl: **
Dif: *
Pot: ***
Core: Infinity Edge, Berserker Greaves, 2x Doran's Blades, Zeal.
Personal Opinions: I love Vayne, especially after her recent candy cane stripper skin was added. She's extremely powerful and somewhat mobile. She has extremely low base speed but as long as she has an enemy champion in lane she does fine with her passive. Mastering Vayne is learning how to take opportunities to pin an opponent against a wall. She's pretty much the bull dyke in a relationship.
Skill Advice: Tumble forces an auto attack and closes the distance. Essentially auto attack, tumble in and hit them with your big arrow to chunk their life with each movement adding a ring to her quicksilver bolts. Just having QSB makes her a great counter pick to a bulky enemy team since it deals true damage based on their max life, which she can easily get up to 24% of their max life in less than 5 seconds without any AD items. This isn't to say she shouldn't stack AD, but if you learn how to use her Condemn and can take the opportunities prioritize AD over AS because of the ridiculous scaling. Remember, maxing Quicksilver Bolts before Condemn is bush league and is much less damage potential overall. Get good at using Condemn for the double damage and you've mastered Vayne.
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