League of Legends
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegends
- Developer:
- Riot Games
- Genre:
- Fantasy, RPG
- Type:
- Download
- Release Date:
- 10/27/09
- Publisher:
- Riot Games
Home > MMO > League of Legends > Walkthrough
Intermediate Players
League of Legends Game Guide by MMO Fan
Advice for Intermediate Players
- Wards, you should have started as a beginner.
* Why you should ward.
Map control removes enemy jungle pressure. It also lets you see MIAs coming in to your lane from a mile away. It's a good thing to keep track of enemies. It potentially means that they wasted time leaving their lanes and justifies your ability to push as hard as you want in lane.
* Why -you- should ward.
If you don't pick up a ward every time you go back to base while you have inventory space, you deserve to get ganked. In which you'll start feeding the enemy team because they have an advantage and everybody will report you for feeding because you're a jerk. Get the picture? Good. Ward more.
- Playing every role and every lane to be better as a person.
It's a good habit to develope, through and through. If you know what each lane is supposed to do, you'll perform it better and synchronize with it better. Playing mid? Get ganked from bottom side river? Run up into your jungle to get a 3 man counter gank. Just having played mid should give you enough of an idea as to when and where you should be and will step up your game greatly.
- Getting ready for ELO Hell.
* Draft Mode.
It's just better. Some people never want to play Ranked, but I guarantee that if you play more along the lines of the current meta, which is the meta because it works effectively, you'll enjoy your gameplay experience. It's not because you'll win more often, but because you'll feel the enemy team deserved their win when you lose. The worst part of losing is losing to a bad group just because you had one player ragequit.
* Finding your place.
I greatly encourage playing everything because you don't always get what you want and troll picking isn't the right choice, ever. Start taking games seriously and putting effort and thought into them. This isn't just for your sake, it's for the sake of the people you're playing with. In a perfect world, everybody has 4 friends at the ready that respect and play with them, but it doesn't work like that. If you're playing solo queue it's your responsiblity to ensure victory. Why, you ask? Because you're obvious sentient enough to respect the time of other people. If you're not, then I feel bad for you as a human being. (I don't really, I'm a dick too)
* Counter Picks.
Your enemy just picked a champion that you know how to counter? Great. Is that champion countered by something else they already picked? The point of counter picking is loss prevention in a way. You win your lane, but you don't pick a champion that is completely devastated by something already picked. If your enemy team hasn't already picked something that can counter pick your potential counter pick try to pick a champion that can deal with potential counters easy.
Or to sum it up, if you're a later pick and not forced into support, you should aim to win your lane and at worst have a dedicated farm where you or your opponent can't hurt each other. Back to the original emphasis in this guide, if your enemy team picked Fiddlesticks don't pick Vlad. Even if that Fiddle was going to jungle, he can trade it to their mid player for another jungler to just counter you because you're such a late game threat.
As another example, if you're last pick and your enemy team composition is Alistar, Skarner, Maokai, Graves and Irelia, and your team composition is Corki, Sona, Galio and Lee Sin, don't pick Teemo to just counter Irelia and go for Olaf who not only counters Irelia and also better counters bulky champions in general while still having a lot more durability which your team needs. Also because techno viking is king.
* Dealing with Trolls sans Fire.
Trolls are bad, m'kay. Where flamers will typically shut up if you make them feel bad by speaking to them with respect, trolls try to drag the worst out of you. Dealing with them by praising them can often screw with their heads enough to the point of an annuerism. Okay, it's not really that bad, but it helps.
If somebody is obviously trolling you (there's a clear difference between trolling and flaming) start flinging compliments at them. 9/10 times they'll just be awestruck. It doesn't matter what you compliment, whether it's their creative name, their ability to last hit or their dominance in lane. The reactions are often times hilarious.
- Communication in this tier of gameplay.
Assuming you're playing draft mode, the first thing you should do is politely request your role. What I generally say is; "I can perform any role, but I prefer to Solo Top or Jungle." This gives other players the chance to voice their personal strengths and weaknesses. Riot's matchmaking system doesn't remember what you play often and sometimes you'll get a team of five mages, it happens, and that's why playing multiple roles is a good thing because in this case, you are the hero, you can play any role but have a preference, you'll bring your team to victory just because you're that good.
- Wards, you should have started as a beginner.
* Why you should ward.
Map control removes enemy jungle pressure. It also lets you see MIAs coming in to your lane from a mile away. It's a good thing to keep track of enemies. It potentially means that they wasted time leaving their lanes and justifies your ability to push as hard as you want in lane.
* Why -you- should ward.
If you don't pick up a ward every time you go back to base while you have inventory space, you deserve to get ganked. In which you'll start feeding the enemy team because they have an advantage and everybody will report you for feeding because you're a jerk. Get the picture? Good. Ward more.
- Playing every role and every lane to be better as a person.
It's a good habit to develope, through and through. If you know what each lane is supposed to do, you'll perform it better and synchronize with it better. Playing mid? Get ganked from bottom side river? Run up into your jungle to get a 3 man counter gank. Just having played mid should give you enough of an idea as to when and where you should be and will step up your game greatly.
- Getting ready for ELO Hell.
* Draft Mode.
It's just better. Some people never want to play Ranked, but I guarantee that if you play more along the lines of the current meta, which is the meta because it works effectively, you'll enjoy your gameplay experience. It's not because you'll win more often, but because you'll feel the enemy team deserved their win when you lose. The worst part of losing is losing to a bad group just because you had one player ragequit.
* Finding your place.
I greatly encourage playing everything because you don't always get what you want and troll picking isn't the right choice, ever. Start taking games seriously and putting effort and thought into them. This isn't just for your sake, it's for the sake of the people you're playing with. In a perfect world, everybody has 4 friends at the ready that respect and play with them, but it doesn't work like that. If you're playing solo queue it's your responsiblity to ensure victory. Why, you ask? Because you're obvious sentient enough to respect the time of other people. If you're not, then I feel bad for you as a human being. (I don't really, I'm a dick too)
* Counter Picks.
Your enemy just picked a champion that you know how to counter? Great. Is that champion countered by something else they already picked? The point of counter picking is loss prevention in a way. You win your lane, but you don't pick a champion that is completely devastated by something already picked. If your enemy team hasn't already picked something that can counter pick your potential counter pick try to pick a champion that can deal with potential counters easy.
Or to sum it up, if you're a later pick and not forced into support, you should aim to win your lane and at worst have a dedicated farm where you or your opponent can't hurt each other. Back to the original emphasis in this guide, if your enemy team picked Fiddlesticks don't pick Vlad. Even if that Fiddle was going to jungle, he can trade it to their mid player for another jungler to just counter you because you're such a late game threat.
As another example, if you're last pick and your enemy team composition is Alistar, Skarner, Maokai, Graves and Irelia, and your team composition is Corki, Sona, Galio and Lee Sin, don't pick Teemo to just counter Irelia and go for Olaf who not only counters Irelia and also better counters bulky champions in general while still having a lot more durability which your team needs. Also because techno viking is king.
* Dealing with Trolls sans Fire.
Trolls are bad, m'kay. Where flamers will typically shut up if you make them feel bad by speaking to them with respect, trolls try to drag the worst out of you. Dealing with them by praising them can often screw with their heads enough to the point of an annuerism. Okay, it's not really that bad, but it helps.
If somebody is obviously trolling you (there's a clear difference between trolling and flaming) start flinging compliments at them. 9/10 times they'll just be awestruck. It doesn't matter what you compliment, whether it's their creative name, their ability to last hit or their dominance in lane. The reactions are often times hilarious.
- Communication in this tier of gameplay.
Assuming you're playing draft mode, the first thing you should do is politely request your role. What I generally say is; "I can perform any role, but I prefer to Solo Top or Jungle." This gives other players the chance to voice their personal strengths and weaknesses. Riot's matchmaking system doesn't remember what you play often and sometimes you'll get a team of five mages, it happens, and that's why playing multiple roles is a good thing because in this case, you are the hero, you can play any role but have a preference, you'll bring your team to victory just because you're that good.
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