Tribes : Ascend Reaches One Million Downloads After One Month

Tribes : Ascend Reaches One Million Downloads After One Month

By: Jasmine Henry | May 17th 2012
It seems like it was just the other week when we were revealing the Tribes : Ascend beta stats but already, it's time to celebrate and applaud the Tribes : Ascend development team, Hi-Rez Studios, as their free to play online arena shooter title has not only hit the one million download mark, but has actually surpassed it.

Tribes : Ascend is clearly a testament to the fact that there is no gaming genre quite as popular as that of the online shooter and that you're missing out if you haven't jumped onto the game's bandwagon yet.

Congratulations to the development studio, and for those of you who haven't yet played the game, or are unsure about whether to do so, peep one of the trailers for Tribes : Ascend below to help you decide as to whether you should add to that one million figure or just marvel at it.

Click here to visit the Tribes : Ascend website to find out how you can play the game.

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